This policy is effective as of 24 August 2023

Last Updated 24 August 2023


By creating a Jump account or engaging with any of Jump's services, whether through a mobile application or a mobile device (referred to as the "Service" hereafter), you acknowledge and provide your consent to the terms outlined in this Agreement. This Agreement includes the existing Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines, and Safety Tips. All these are incorporated into this agreement by reference, along with any additional terms communicated when purchasing or acquiring extra features, products, or services on the Service (referred to as this "Agreement" collectively). If you are unwilling to accept and follow all aspects of this Agreement, we suggest refraining from accessing or using the Service.

Periodically, we might make revisions to the Terms. It's advisable to frequently visit this page to stay informed about any updates.

Welcome to Jump, operated by That One Company (“us,” “we,” the “Company” or “Jump”). Together you and Jump may be referred to as the “Parties” or separately as “Party.”

We retain the authority to alter, adjust, or revise the Terms whenever deemed necessary. Information regarding substantial modifications will be published on this page alongside an updated effective date. On specific occasions, we might also apprise you of Term changes through email or alternative channels. Nevertheless, it remains your responsibility to routinely review this page for potential modifications. By persisting in utilizing or engaging with our Services, you inherently grant your ongoing concurrence with any alterations, consequently establishing a legal obligation to adhere to the revised Terms. If an adjustment to the Terms is not agreeable to you, it is imperative that you promptly discontinue any further access to or utilization of our Services.

1. Eligibility

Prior to creating a Jump account, ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for utilizing our Services. This section also outlines the permissible and prohibited actions while engaging with the Services, along with the permissions you grant to Jump.

You may only proceed to create an account or utilize the Services if all of the subsequent conditions are met. By engaging with our Services, you affirm and guarantee that: